A pair of GaAs MMIC amplifiers from Hittite Microwave Corp. is ideal for microwave radio, military, space, and test applications from 14 to 40 GHz. Model HMC504LC4B operates from 14 to 27 GHz with as much as 19 dB gain. It offers a noise figure of 2.2 dB with output third-order intercept point of +26 dBm and +17 dBm output power at 1-dB compression. It is supplied in a leadless 4 x 4 mm ceramic surface-mount package and draws only 90 mA current from a +4-VDC supply. Model HMC635LC4 is a GaAs PHEMT MMIC driver amplifier die with 18.5 dB gain from 18 to 40 GHz. It delivers +22 dBm gain at 1-dB compression with output third-order intercept point of +27 dBm. It draws 280 mA from a +5 VDC supply.