Source Today


About Source Today

Providing procurement professionals with essential news, information and analysis about the technology and business trends that impact their global supply chains.


More Info on Source Today

SourceToday provides procurement professionals with essential news, information and analysis about the technology and business trends that impact their global supply chains.

Our seasoned editorial staff understands the speed at which global business moves and the complexity of the challenges today’s procurement profession face. SourceToday covers the waterfront from component suppliers and distributors to original design manufacturers and electronic manufacturing services providers.

We cover the topics for managing short-term, tactical risk, including the latest product news, market and economic trends, and counterfeit and security issues. We also cover strategic issues of critical importance to CPOs, such as the implications of new technologies such as IoT, artificial intelligence and 5G as they impact management of the supply chain.

Articles & News

Konstantine Shaklein,
Space Station Konstantine Shaklein Dreamstime L 88456024
Learning Resources

Understanding Electronic Design and Its Peers

Dec. 10, 2020
Senior Content Director Bill Wong provides insight into the numerous technical publications within the Design & Engineering Group's world.


Bridget McCrea

Supply Chain Editor, SourceToday