CRLH TLs and SIRs Lead to the Incredibly Shrinking Antenna (.PDF Download)

March 21, 2018
CRLH TLs and SIRs Lead to the Incredibly Shrinking Antenna (.PDF Download)

Practical use of realizable circuit structures such as stepped impedance resonators (SIRs) and various forms of transmission lines (TLs) can lead to highly selective, yet also quite small, single- and dual-band antennas. Analysis of antenna designs based on SIRs and composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission lines can show how to cover several frequency bands while also miniaturizing the antenna designs, for both quarter-wavelength and half-wavelength antenna configurations.

To demonstrate the approach, quarter- and half-wavelength antennas were designed with a common band centered at 4.5 GHz and an impedance bandwidth (|S11| < −10 dB) of 500 MHz, and with the half-wavelength antenna also handling a second frequency band centered at 1.8 GHz. For a fair comparison of the two configurations, the size of both antennas is the same (26 × 21.3 mm2).